

Our Big, Beautiful, Blake House Wedding

23 September 2019

Zane and John knew they needed a big wedding venue when the guest list reached 300 people! Luckily Poronui has plenty of space for a marquee. Find out more about their special day below…

How did you meet?
Through a Music Magazine in the United Kingdom. John had placed an advertisement in the singles column and I responded from my cold flat in Edinburgh.


Why did you choose the location you did?
We googled a range of places locally but only two or three could deal with the numbers we wanted as we intended to invite 300 people.
As soon as we walked through the doors of Blake House we were sold on it. The location was simply epic and it created such an amazing environment for the wedding. It set the tone for two days of pure enjoyment.

blake house lawn ceremony

Monica Ferguson Photography

Did you have any concerns about the day beforehand and, if so, how were they overcome?
Only that we were unsure of what we were doing and also what Poronui were going to cover and what they weren’t. It was all resolved swiftly and I have to say Claire and the team were sensational. We couldn’t have asked for greater service, nor a better standard of genuine care. Loved it!


Who helped you organise your big day? Who was involved in the planning?
Claire! Then of course we had Prue from Yum Food Co. who was simply epic in her ideas on both food and the finer things. She was pretty much our unofficial wedding planner. Big thanks to her and her team for sure.
We also had the team from Eventrent on hand who really did go the extra mile as well as Taupo Hire.


What was your favourite part of the planning process?
All of it!
The excitement of pulling it all together. The different ideas we were given too – like Claire’s suggestion of the wedding party arriving at the ceremony by helicopter. What a rock star way to kick it off!


What’s your most precious memory of the day?
For the both of us it was walking into the Marquee at The Stables. The thunderous applause and cheering was something that had an unbelievable emotional impact on us both. We have never felt so loved. Incredible.


Monica Ferguson Photography

What did Poronui contribute to the memories of your wedding day?
It made our wedding day. Without a doubt the people we had there were all special and between them and the special nature of Poronui itself, the blend was simply perfect. I think we were both emotionally drained by the end but in the best way possible.


Do you have a favourite wedding photograph, and where was it taken?
John and I sitting in a field of dry grass down by the red hut. Love it! Photos by Monica Ferguson Photography


Monica Ferguson Photography

Was there anything you would change? E.g. the one thing you might have done differently?
Added more to the guest list!
Tried to slow it down and take more of the event in. It was simply a once in a life time experience.


What sort of feedback did you get from friends and family?
That it was without a doubt an amazing experience. The setting, the service – the entire day was one that every single person enjoyed, creating a lasting memory of not just our wedding but a time of complete togetherness. People are still talking about it.


Would you recommend Poronui to other couples?
We already have and always will. We loved every minute of our experience and the only wish is that it lasted a little longer. Thank you Poronui, you gave us the single best day of our lives. It couldn’t have been more perfect.


If you are inspired by Zane and John’s big, beautiful, Blake House wedding, contact Claire and the team reservations@poronui.com to book a viewing for yourself. 


red hut

Monica Ferguson Photography


Monica Ferguson Photography


Monica Ferguson Photography


Monica Ferguson Photography

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